Payment terminals

Mercator can be connected to the payment terminal (Worldline, Cetrel, SumUp®, Viva Wallet) at your store's cash registers.

The amount to be paid by credit card is automatically sent by Mercator to the terminal without requiring manual entry.

All payment methods are supported by this integration: Bancontact/Mister Cash, Maestro, Visa, meal vouchers, eco-vouchers, etc.

ERP integration with payment terminals

The benefits of this integration
  • No fraud: the sale is validated in Mercator when the terminal has accepted it. A card that is removed too quickly by the customer does not therefore validate the payment.
  • Fewer errors at checkout such as incorrect amount entered, confusion between cash and electronic payment, etc.
  • Time savings

paying by smartphone QR

It is possible to pay with your smartphone

Another payment method has also been integrated into Mercator: SEQR.

People who have installed the SEQR application can scan a QR code or detect an NFC chip placed at the store cash register and pay for their purchases using their mobile phone.

There are also numerous benefits for tradespeople:

  • Security is an essential point: all of the steps of the transaction take place in the SEQR system and no personal data is sent to the cash register.
  • The transaction costs are reduced, there are no service charges, monthly charges or start-up expenses, and the application is easy to use.

Liaison au terminal de paiement SumUp®

Voici un petit terminal de paiement, tout léger, avec lecteur de carte ou contactless.

SumUp® ne nécessite aucune installation compliquée puisque le terminal fonctionne sans câble.
Le paiement via ce terminal passe par l'intermédiaire d'une application sur mobile. Et c'est ici qu'intervient MercatorPenguin.

Sur la route :  les installateurs/techniciens, en visite chez un client, peuvent encaisser le paiement par carte grâce au terminal SumUp®.

Avec Mercator Desktop : lors de la vente, Mercator communique avec Penguin et SumUp® sur votre mobile et le montant arrive sur le terminal  SumUp®.
Le client paie ensuite avec le terminal et l'information de la transaction est de retour dans Mercator, comme avec un terminal traditionnel.

terminal de paiement sumup