En liaison à BOB ADS : Error 5185: Local server connections are restricted in this environment

0000001795     -      25/10/2017

Lorsque Mercator est lié à un Bob ADS, il peut, au démarrage, produire ce message

MercatorDB Init error !
Error 5185: Local server connections are restricted in this environment. See the 5185 error code documentation for details. ax.ServerConnect

s'il est utilisé, par exemple, dans un environnement Terminal Server.

Ce message n'est pas généré par Mercator mais est bel et bien renvoyé par le serveur Advantage de la configuration Bob. Mercator n'apporte aucun support quand à ce type d'erreur.

Toutefois, nous relayons l'information suivante :

Error 5185 Advantage Local Server connections are restricted when used from a web server, an application server, a terminal server, or any other type of middleware or server product used to access data on behalf of remote computers. If you receive this error, it is because your application attempted to make a local server connection from one of these restricted environments.

If an application using this SOFTWARE PRODUCT is distributed to work without the Advantage Database Server (i.e., it uses the Advantage Local Server to access data), the application must act as a "client" that directly accesses and uses the data. To be specific, only computers that have the Advantage Local Server DLL loaded into memory can have access to the data that is obtained by that Advantage Local Server DLL. The application cannot act as "middleware" or as a "server" by having the data forwarded by any means to a separate computer. In other words, it is illegal to use the Advantage Local Server with a web server, an application server, a terminal server, or any other type of middleware or server product to access data on behalf of remote computers. An Advantage Database Server (a.k.a., remote server) product must be purchased and used to allow this SOFTWARE PRODUCT to access data on behalf of applications running on remote computers. For more information about this error or this software product, please visit www.advantagedatabase.com