Banking integration

The banking module enables Mercator Accounting to communicate electronically and directly with your banking institutions, while remaining in your Mercator working environment.

This banking integration carries out the following tasks:

  • Linking the payments received/made to the customer/supplier, through the recognition of the structured communication, the account number, the amount, etc.
  • Paying suppliers: the module goes through the purchases and suggests the payments to be made. All you have to do is validate them and the module then makes the transfers. In the same way, it is possible to redeem credit notes
  • Managing direct debits for customers.

ERP banking integration

Banking integration for each country:

In Belgium

Thanks to integration with Isabel, you can settle all of your banking transaction with one click.
Automate actions such as:

  • The sending of national and international transfers (SEPA and non-SEPA)
  • The automatic importing of your account statements (CODA)
  • The automatic recognition of customers on the basis of their account number, structured communication, a portion of text from the communication, etc.
  • Automatic lettering: the bulk of the entry of your account statements can be done automatically
  • Direct debits from your customers
In Luxembourg

The Mercator software is integrated with Multiline.
Automate actions such as:

  • The sending of national and international transfers (SEPA and non-SEPA)
  • The automatic importing of your account statements
  • The automatic recognition of customers on the basis of the name under which they appear in your statements or of a set amount, etc.
  • Automatic lettering: the bulk of the entry of your account statements can be done automatically
  • Direct debits from your customers

In France, there are no standard interbank formats. Automated integration between the company and its bank must therefore be carried out on a case-by-case basis.

Avoid entry errors and save time with banking integration!