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Virtuele draagbare terminal PTFILE (legacy) 2

0000000789     -      11-08-2017

Om de verbinding tussen Mercator en deze "virtuele" draagbare terminal te activeren, moet u PTFILE vermelden in "Tools / Opties / Overige: draagbare terminal".

Deze "virtuele" terminal laat toe om een ASCII-bestand te openen dat gegenereerd werd door een terminal en/of door een onafhankelijke software van Mercator. Door te klikken op de knop "Download Terminal" in Mercator verschijnt er een dialoogvenster waarin u een bestand naar keuze kunt openen. Het geïmporteerde bestand kan van eender welke aard zijn (cfr. infra); het moet 2 kolommen omvatten: de eerste kolom bevat de barcodes, de tweede de hoeveelheid.

In het menu "Tools" verschijnt er een menu "Parameters barcodeterminal". Hierin kunt u de werkingsparameters vastleggen voor de virtuele terminal.

  • Directory: standaard voorgestelde directory voor de import van bestanden
  • Bestandstype: gehaald uit het commando append from waarmee de import kan worden aangepast aan het door de draagbare terminal gegenereerde bestandstype.
Sinds versie 6.1 omvat dit scherm een bijkomend aanvinkvakje waarmee kan worden gespecificeerd dat het geïmporteerde bestand ook eenheidsprijzen omvat (enkel voor verkopen & aankopen - deze eenheidsprijs moet worden vermeld in een derde kolom van het bestand).

Het zipbestand op pagina 0000000788f.html bevat de bestanden die uitgepakt en in de hoofddirectory van Mercator geplaatst moeten worden.

Deze terminal is niet geschikt voor de invoer van serienummers.

Enkele voorbeelden van geldige bestandstypes
  • delimited with character ,: ASCII-bestand waarvan de velden gescheiden worden door een komma
  • delimited with "'" with character ";": ASCII-bestand waarvan de velden tussen aanhalingstekens staan en gescheiden worden door een puntkomma
  • type xl8: Excel-bestand
  • type xl2002: Excel XP-bestand (min. versie 7.0.24)
  • type xl2007: Excel 2007-bestand (min. versie 7.0.24)

Opgelet: voor de formaten Excel XP en Excel 2007 moet de eerste lijn van het bestand verplicht het volgende vermelden:

  • eerste kolom: ART
  • tweede kolom: Q
  • derde kolom (optioneel): PU

Het bestandstype kan als volgt worden samengesteld

Specifies the source file type of the file you are appending from. Although you must specify a file type if the file you are appending from isn't a Visual FoxPro table, you need not include the TYPE key word. You can append from a wide variety of different file types including delimited ASCII text files, in which you can specify a field delimiter.
If the source file you are appending from doesn't have the usual default file extension for that type of file, the source file name must include the file's extension. For example, Microsoft Excel worksheets normally have an .xls extension. If the Microsoft Excel worksheet you append from has an extension other than the expected .xls, be sure to specify the extension.

Note : When you are appending from a worksheet, the data in the worksheet must be stored in a row-major order rather than a column-major order. This allows the appended worksheet data to match the table structure.

Specifies that the source file from which data is appended to the current Visual FoxPro table is a delimited file. A delimited file is an ASCII text file in which each record ends with a carriage return and line feed. Field contents are by default assumed to be separated from each other by commas (do not include extra spaces before or after the commas), and character field values to be additionally delimited by double quotation marks. For example:
The file extension is assumed to be .txt for all delimited files.

You can import dates from delimited files if the dates are in proper date format. The date format defaults to mm/dd/yy. Including the century portion of a date is optional. Visual FoxPro will import a date, such as 12/25/95, that doesn't include the century and assumes the date is in the twentieth century. Date delimiters can be any non-numeric character except the delimiter that separates the fields in the delimited file.

Dates in other formats can be imported if their formats match date formats available in SET DATE. To import dates that are not in the default format, issue SET DATE with the proper date format before using APPEND FROM. To test whether a date format can be successfully imported, use it with CTOD( ). If the date is acceptable to CTOD( ), the date will import properly.

Indicates that character fields are separated by a character other than the quotation mark.

Specifies files that contain fields separated by spaces instead of commas.

Specifies files that contain fields separated by tabs rather than commas.

Specifies files that contain fields all enclosed by the character specified with Delimiter. If Delimiter is a semicolon (the character used in Visual FoxPro to indicate command line continuation), enclose the semicolon in quotation marks. You can also specify the BLANK and TAB keywords for Delimiter.
The WITH Delimiter clause can be combined with the WITH CHARACTER clause. For example, the following command adds records from a text file with character fields enclosed by underscores and all fields delimited from each other with asterisks:

Include DIF to import data from a VisiCalc .dif (Data Interchange Format) file. Vectors (columns) become fields in the currently selected table and tuples (rows) become records. DIF file names are assumed to have a .dif extension.

Include FW2 to import data from a file created by Framework II. FW2 file names are assumed to have a .fw2 extension.

Include MOD to import data from a Microsoft Multiplan version 4.01 file. MOD files are created by Microsoft Multiplan version 4.01, and are assumed to have a .mod extension.

Include PDOX to import data from a Paradox version 3.5 or 4.0 database file. Paradox file names are assumed to have a .db extension.

Include RPD to import data from a file created by RapidFile version 1.2. RapidFile file names are assumed to have an .rpd extension.

Include SDF to import data from a System Data Format file. An SDF file is an ASCII text file in which records have a fixed length and end with a carriage return and line feed. Fields are not delimited. The file name extension is assumed to be .txt for SDF files.
Effective conversion of date data from SDF files to Visual FoxPro tables requires data to be stored in YYYYMMDD format.

If date information is stored in ambiguous formats, you should map the date column to a character column of appropriate width so you can inspect the value then apply the correct conversion routine to create correctly formatted date data.

Include SYLK to import data from a SYLK (Symbolic Link) interchange format file. SYLK files are used in Microsoft MultiPlan. Columns in the SYLK file become fields in the Visual FoxPro table and rows become records. SYLK file names have no extension.

Include WK1 to import data from a Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table; each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A .WK1 file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Lotus 1-2-3 revision 2.x.

Include WK3 to import data from a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table; each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A .wk3 file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Lotus 1-2-3 revision 3.x.

Include WKS to import data from a Lotus 1-2-3 revision 1-A spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table; each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A .wks file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Lotus 1-2-3 revision 1-A.

Include WR1 to import data from a Lotus Symphony version 1.1 or 1.2 spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table and each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A .wr1 file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Symphony versions 1.1 or 1.2.

Include WRK to import data from a Lotus Symphony version 1.0 spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table and each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A .wrk file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Symphony version 1.0.

Include CSV to import data from a comma separated value file. A CSV file has field names as the first line in the file; the field names are ignored when the file is imported.

Include XLS to import data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Each column from the worksheet becomes a field in the table and each worksheet row becomes a record in the table. Worksheet files created in Microsoft Excel are given an .xls file name extension.

Include XL5 to import data from Microsoft Excel version 5.0. Columns from the worksheet become fields in the table; the worksheet rows become records in the table. Worksheet files created in Microsoft Excel have an .xls extension.
If you omit the SHEET clause, the data in Sheet1 is imported. To import data from a specific sheet, include the SHEET keyword and specify the sheet name with cSheetName.

Include XL8 to import data from Microsoft Excel 97. Columns from the worksheet become fields in the table; the worksheet rows become records in the table. Worksheet files created in Microsoft Excel have an .xls extension.
If you omit the SHEET clause, the data in Sheet1 is imported. To import data from a specific sheet, include the SHEET keyword and specify the sheet name with cSheetName.

AS nCodePage
Specifies the code page of the source table or file. Visual FoxPro copies the contents of the source table or file and, as it copies the data, automatically converts the data to the code page of the current table.
If you specify a value for nCodePage that is not supported, Visual FoxPro generates an error message. You can use GETCP( ) for nCodePage to display the Code Page dialog box, making it possible for you to specify a code page for the appended table or file.

If you omit AS nCodePage and Visual FoxPro cannot determine the code page of the source table or file, Visual FoxPro copies the contents of the source table or file. As it copies the data, it automatically converts the data to the current Visual FoxPro code page. If SET CPDIALOG is ON, the table in the currently selected work area is marked with a code page. If you're appending from a table not marked with a code page, the Code Page dialog is displayed, making it possible for you to choose the code page of the table from which you're appending. The current Visual FoxPro code page can be determined with CPCURRENT( ).

If you omit AS nCodePage and Visual FoxPro can determine the code page of the table or file being appended, Visual FoxPro copies the contents of the appended table or file. As it copies the data, it automatically converts the data to the code page of the currently selected table.

If nCodePage is 0, Visual FoxPro assumes that the code page of the table or file being appended is the same as the code page of the currently selected table. No conversion to the current Visual FoxPro code page occurs.

De pagina die u wenst te bekijken heeft betrekking op een versie van Mercator die commercieel niet meer beschikbaar is en niet meer wordt ondersteund.

Mercator is een applicatie .net en maakt gebruik van een database SQL Server. De gegevens op deze pagina stemmen niet overeen met deze eigenschappen.