After-sales service

Mercator gives you the opportunity to easily manage one-off or regular service requests, repairs, questions or complaints from your customers.

Optimize your after-sales service and thus improve your customer relationship.

SAV de Mercator

Access to information and history

A customer brings a device to repair or wants a intervention. You create a service request in Mercator and complete the fields specific to the service. your after-sales service (type of breakdown, technician involved, item to be repaired, serial number, status of the repair, degree of urgency, warranty, …).

In each customer's file, information is centralized and a record of each intervention is kept. Returns to the supplier can also be easily tracked.

Optimal management of clocking and requests for intervention

When creating a sales document, Mercator can automatically generate intervention actions. The technician then sees the different tasks to be performed. achieve over a period. The hours worked by your technicians are directly counted, which makes it possible to automatically generate a service invoice.

Did you know? Do you carry out interviews periodically? You can associate the subscription module to it.

Link to mobile app

For any service, you will need a summary sheet to be sent to you. give and/or to keep in your archives. This form is generated according to a layout that you have defined and automatically takes over the information from the customer's after-sales service document in Mercator. Print it or have your client sign on a tablet/smartphone.

Did you know? Your customer can find his intervention reports from your e-commerce site and your mobile application.


You want to warn a customer before an intervention in order to make sure of his presence or, send an end of intervention report.

Mercator can automatically send emails and SMS to; your contacts.

Online portal

Do your customers need to be able to enter service requests themselves or simply monitor the status of their after-sales service requests in real time? We create a ticketing portal on your website, linked to to your after-sales service in Mercator.

Intervention report

Thanks to; the mobile solution, the technician can digitally sign the customer, take photos and add items to the mobile. the end of the intervention. He can also view the schedule of his daily interventions there. This solution is easier to use on the go and more intuitive.